연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 제10회장
논문코드 O10-13
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 16:15-16:30
논문제목 Design of Multi-directional Bending Photothermal Actuators Using Rewritable 2D Absorbance Patterns
발표자 김시우
발표자 소속 부산대학교
저자 김시우, 이재준
소속 부산대학교
논문초록 Interest in soft actuators has surged due to their precision and remote controllability, yet their predominantly unidirectional action limits broader application. Previously, donor acceptor Stenhouse adducts (DASA), negatively photochromic molecular photoswitch, has shown its potent for tunable photothermal actuation depending on its absorbance value. Based on our hypothesis that that variable 2D DASA-polymer absorbance patterns can direct bending in multiple directions by altering local modulus and photothermal efficiency, we introduce a multi-directional soft actuator by harnessing 2D absorbance patterns of DASA-polymer actuator. We present a synthetic pathway to chemically conjugate DASA in crosslinked polymer matrix, polyethyleneimine-bisphenol A diglycidyl ether, by detouring its low thermal and chemical stability. Our results highlight the benefits of rewritable absorbance patterns and visible light absorption of DASAs for creating versatile, multi-directional soft actuator.